- 2016年以来、石炭採鉱と関連施設へのファイナンスの禁止
- 3年間で既存貸出残高の20%減少達成/2016年比
- グローバル目標として2025年までに当該セクターからの撤退
- Since 2016, Deutsche Bank(DB) have had a policy in place prohibiting financing of greenfield thermal coal mining and associated infrastructure
- DB committed to reducing its coal lending exposure and set a three-year reduction target of 20% in 2016
- As of the end of 2019, DB achieved that target, and DB are now further committed to phasing out coal exposure by 2025 worldwide (including both lending and capital markets)
- 2016年以来、石炭発電へのファイナンスの禁止
- 2020年までに5割以上石炭に頼る電力会社の見直しと撤退(欧州と米国)
- 2022年にはアジアと発展途上国においても見直しと撤退の開始
- Since 2016, DB has had a policy in place prohibiting the financing of the development of new coal-fired power plants and the expansion of existing coal-fired power plants, irrespective of their location
- DB will review its coal power exposure, and for all clients depending more than 50% on coal – be it energy capacity or energy output –
- DB will subject the provision of financial services to the availability of credible diversification plans. Accordingly, DB will review all clients in Europe and the US by the end of 2020 and gradually phase out existing exposure if there are no diversification plans in place
- Starting in 2022, DB will extend this review and phase-out to Asia and selected developing markets. With this staged timing, DB acknowledges the additional time required by some regions to prepare for the transformation
- 2020年までに石油ガス業界の既存貸出の見直し(グローバル)
- 水圧破砕案件へのファイナンスは行わない
- 北極圏での新規案件にはファイナンスを行わない
- オイルサンドの新規案件にはファイナンスを行わない
- In addition to DB's current enhanced environmental and social due diligence process, DB will review by end of 2020 its existing exposure to the oil and gas sector globally, considering environmental and social performance, carbon intensity, and transition plans
- Based on this review, DB will subsequently aim to reduce its exposure
- Additionally, DB will not finance:
- Oil or gas projects via hydraulic fracturing in countries with extremely high water stress
- New oil or gas projects in the Arctic region; Arctic region being defined based on a 10°C July isotherm boundary, meaning the area does not experience temperatures above 10°C
- New projects involving exploration, production or transport/processing of oil sands
- EU目標(2025年までにカーボンニュートラル/ネットゼロ)を準拠
- パリ協定(気候変動)にも準拠
- The outlined changes to DB's fossil fuel policies announced in July 2020 underline its aspiration to contribute to climate protection and to the goal of the European Union to become net-zero-carbon by 2050
- These changes are in addition to DB's recently announced commitment to align the carbon intensity of its lending portfolios with the targets of the Paris Agreement, which DB has pledged by joining the German financial sector's collective commitment to climate action in June 2020
- 2040年までに石炭火力発電や電力用石炭開発の融資を段階的に廃止方針(2021年5月28日の株主総会に提案)
- 石炭火力発電や発電用石炭開発の融資は欧州連合(EU)と経済協力開発機構(OECD)の加盟国は2030年までその他地域は2040年までに取りやめる
- 機関投資家グループから気候変動の対応強化を求められていたことに対応
- 融資事業をパリ協定と整合的にするために戦略的目標設定と進捗を毎年報告